Solar Thermal - This system was chosen due to its high performance and robust build. The traditional problems of tube failure due to the metal-glass seals have been designed out using 100% glass tubes. The system has been connected to the bottom of the DPS heat tank in order to prioritise hot water collection within the dwelling.
Modelled performance indicates that the 2.8m2 collector area will produce approximately 60% of the domestic hot water demand within the dwelling, but heat meters have been installed to measure the in use performance.
Dehumidification - A SolarVenti system has been installed on the dwelling in order to improve humidity levels within the dwelling and provide a degree of free heat through warm air vents. The principles of the system (pictured at the bottom of the roof) are described by SolarVenti below:
'SolarVenti dehumidifiers are designed to make use of the significant relative humidity differences that occur during non summer months. On a cold clear winter morning, most of the water vapour in the air has dropped out as dew or frost, so the relative humidity is low. As soon as the sun hits the SolarVenti panel, it will start to suck in cool air, warm it and push it into your property. Because warmer air has a greater propensity for carrying moisture, this picks up the dampness in your property and it is actively dispersed through any ventilation gaps in your house (air bricks, poorly fitted windows, under doors etc.) leaving your property nicely dry and ventilated with fresh, slightly warmed air.'
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